[description], Story, any other text you want to use.
Kick-Starting E-mail Profits Growth From One Single Shot!
by: Valeriu Popescu
Perhaps the most critical step in guaranteeing the success of your e-mail promotions is to send your messages to a targeted list of opt-in subscribers who have specifically requested to receive information on a particular topic from you. That's your "in-house" email list.
Sooner or later, you'll face the same challenge: how to build a list of qualified, targeted prospects from scratch.
When it comes to building an e-mail list, online marketers tend to spread on too many options. Offen, they neglect to focus on a single promotion 'til the end and exploit to the fullest potential. Here's an example.
Suppose you run a newsletter and have a web page or popup window which invite prospects to subscribe. As a reward for giving their e-mail address, you offer them a bonus.
That's fine -- but not enought! You are loosing money simply by leaving empty profit places in your message.
Wouldn't be nice to build actually 3 different mailing lists from one "stroke"? Of course! For better understanding, I'll stick with the same newsletter example. So, clear-up your newsletter invitation and insert couple of extra carefully selected phrases. Follow these steps:
Step #1 --> Insert a Newsletter Subscription
Obviously, this is your primer objective. A new subscriber is a potential new source of profit. It is a common sense to tell people what to expect up front. The more relevant seems your offer to the desired relationship, the better.
Step #2 --> Insert a Special Report
Be smart: upload your report to an autoresponder. The trick is to provide high-quality content AND an offer that will earn you a profit!
You know the rest: the autoresponder send out automatically additional reports and follow-up messages to those who get the initial report. The results: more sales and profits.
Step #3 --> Insert an eCourse
Each lesson of the eCourse provides at least one offer (and usually multiple offers) for the reader to consider. Many buy, some don't. But it's another automated profit system.
Step #4 --> Insert a Mystery Bonus
Mystery bonus? Yes! People universally love mystery. Be sure you won't let the prospects know what is all about up until they subscribe.
What you need at this point: an ebook that is coded with your own affiliate links! (Psst... invite them to pass it out as an incentive!)
The final results: 3 separate lists (from newsletter subscription, special report, and ecourse) and a viral marketing tool (the mystery ebook)! Everything easy to set- up and ready to upload to your web site in less than an hour of work. Not bad!
Things to remember BEFORE you implement this e-mail marketing strategy:
- be accurate and clear with your messages.
- spell out features/benefits/advantages in your offer.
- don't go only after e-mail list quantity. Your e-mail list should balance QUALITY with QUANTITY issues.
- ALWAYS provide high-quality content.
- implement your system ON EVERY PAGE of your web site.
- always use professional sequential autoresponders to PERSONALIZE each of your e-mail messages.
- test subject lines and messages until you get the highest results.
- check your messages to make sure links work properly.
- use high quality graphics to first-impress.
- NEVER forget to 'THANK YOU' prospects once they give you their e-mail address.
- ALWAYS allow prospects to self-remove from your e-mail lists.
**Attn Ezine editors/Site owners**
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About The Author
Valeriu S Popescu is the owner of the Internet Marketing Profits Center, a specialized e-company that helps real Netpreneurs starting a new business online. Find inside the latest cutting-edge strategies about affiliate programs, e-mail marketing, search engine optimization, and more.
Visit today: http://www.internetmarketingprofitscenter.com/
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