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A Winning Domain Name

 by: Debra Gravelle

The domain name is one of the most important decisions you will make when trying to win over the search engine dilemma.

Try using at least one of your best keywords within your domain name.

The search engine and the directories give higher preference when your domain name is relevant to your site content or theme.

Let me give you an example of three different ways you could look at your domain name and how the major search engines will view them for indexing.

Which one would you have chosen?, Right!

The search engines may not necessarily see it that way. Even though is easily understood by the eye of the visitor, the search engine will not see the difference between and Both are good ranking for a site dealing with traffic issues.

Even though you have the approval of your visitor looking for your information, you could get a higher ranking with the search engines by using and still keep the eye appeal for your visitor.

Here is why.

The hyphen breaks up a longer domain name to reveal the major keywords that describe your website content or theme. This makes it easier for the visitor to understand and most importantly allows the search engine to detect your keyword for indexing right off the bat. Cool, huh?

About The Author

Debra Gravelle

Bringing 22 years of professional business planning and consulting to the internet. Learn what it really takes to succeed on the internet.

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Indexing is simply the work the Search Engine Robots do to give you information on auction hosting. How does an indexing robot decide what to index? Well they just send their Bots or Spiders to crawl the web looking for auction hosting on web sites.

If an indexing robot finds a document that contains auction hosting, it may decide to parse it, and insert it into its database. How this is done depends on the robot. Some robots index the HTML Titles that contain auction hosting and keep them in their database. Others will look for auction hosting in the first few paragraphs, or parse the entire HTML and index all words.

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