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The Tech-Heads Need To Build New Software That Makes Obtaining Information And Collective Communication A Simple Process For The Average Human
by: M6.net
Being the total opposite to a technical person, it is hard to imagine future Internet software advances. The techno-humans have come up with incredible ideas and subsequently their ideas have come to fruition. It seems like anything a human puts their mind to can be done. Our species has come such a long way, but I feel the key to the next part in our evolution of technology and consciousness is to integrate the ideas of the average person. Who do we build all this technology for anyway? I think it's made for humans to have a better life. It's time to start making the technological advances in computing with the non-computer-based people of the world in mind. A famous American journalist Sidney J. Harris once said,
"The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers."
Computer and Internet specialists have to realize that they have gone so deep into their fields that they now can no longer see what the computer world looks like to a novice like myself. All this techno-jargon and hundreds of different types of software can be quite overwhelming to a normal person who just wants to take part in this new way of interacting with reality and society.
We've got to simplify if we want this awesome force to be integrated into our lives in its highest form. I know the Internet is growing at an incredible rate already. One only has to look at the example of India to see the incredible mark Information Technology has made. You can go into a tiny village that looks relatively the same as it has been for fifty years; the general infrastructure is shocking: broken traffic lights, decrepit buildings, power lines splaying out in chaotic patterns. But, something big has changed; each town now has a satellite dish, and an ISP connection (Internet Service Provider)! This is truly amazing. However I believe it is only the beginning of a new revolution that will arrive when we simplify the information and communication processes.
So what's the special answer to the sacred question? Well, I haven't got all the ideas, but I know of six billion human souls out there who I'm sure would have an opinion if you asked them. Find out what people really want and need. Recently I wrote an article on how great it would be if we could get our News from multiple sources instead of the one-to-many, top-down structure that feeds us so much negativity today. An opportunity to only read relevant News to the individual's liking also sounds like a great project to take on. Wouldn't it also be great if we could communicate easily with others of similar interests? E.g.: Finding the blogs and websites that interest us without having to search for days on end to find them!
These are just a couple ideas the software masters could approach to make the new revolution of collective consciousness and independent thinking a reality. I truly believe the Internet could be the gate of entry into a new dimension for the average citizen of Earth, a dimension that thrives on the sharing of knowledge from multiple perspectives, communication that involves everyone, and incredible access to individuals who you've always wanted to meet. Come on people, let's get with the program! Humans are a resilient, powerful race of creatures; it's time to duplicate all this energy we've put into producing technology and put it into making it easily used by the masses for positive means. The plant has grown into a tall healthy tree, now it's time to harvest the fruit of all our labor.
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