[description], Story, any other text you want to use.
Using Anchor Text Optimization In Your Article Viral Marketing Campaign
by: Carl Seppanen
What is Anchor Text Optimization?
Anchor text optimization consists of the visible hyperlinked text on a webpage (e.g. in your article). Here's an example of anchor text optimization: Articles for Ezines. Putting your keywords into the anchor text has been discovered to be a significant factor in search engine rankings, as found in Google.
The History of Anchor Text Optimization.
Anchor Text Optimization was discovered by bloggers and has also been referred to as 'google bombing'. The bloggers in an experiment, put the anchor text of 'miserable failure' into their links, all pointing to the presidents website. Now, when you type 'miserable failure' into Google, the top result returned is the presidents website.
Importance of Keywords.
Writing free reprint articles is a great way to drive traffic to your sites and increases your business sales. However, much care must be taken in order to be sure that your article is actually using keywords that users are looking for in the search engines. Research suggests that 70-80% of all traffic to websites come directly from the search engines.
Benefits of Carefully Chosen Keywords and Anchor Text Optimization
If you write your free reprint articles based around carefully chosen keywords, your articles stand a strong chance of receiving significant traffic. It also helps if your article is optimized for the search engines. Typically, this involves having the keywords in the title, meta-tags, etc. By Anchor Text Optimizing your articles you will have in place the same mechanism that the bloggers successfully used. Imagine having your article posted on 30 different websites using this method. You would have 30 sites that link to your site via the authors resource box. And in this resource box is your Anchor text optimized link. It has been found that it can be done with as little as 20 inbound links. Your site may very well be ranked higher in search engine results for your chosen keywords as a result of utilizing this method. Good Luck!
About The Author
Carl Seppanen is an internet guru and frequent contributor to ArticleWareHouse.com. ArticleWareHouse.com is Your Source for FREE and License Based articles for writers and small biz: http://www.articlewarehouse.com/?-articles-ezines .
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