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Microsoft C# vs. VB.Net
by: Andrew Karasev Hi, Guys, I believe a lot of programmers are trying to speculate which Microsoft language is the language of the future .Net applications. We did some research here and we think that at this moment Microsoft doesn't have an answer or a direction - they just try to place both VB.net and C#.net into competition with each other and see who will be the winner over time. Example - Microsoft CRM SDK - Microsoft says - they will have examples in both languages: C# and VB - but for now C# seems to be the winner and if you are vb.net programmer - it is really hard for you to program Microsoft CRM SDK. The other example is more favorable for VB.net. If you plan to program Microsoft Exchange 2003 - then in MS Exchange SDK you see VB examples - it is very hard to use C#, not knowing VB constants, return codes, etc. My personal opinion - C# is an attempt to appeal to Java world and take over Java programmers - considering current situation with offshore programming - this envision may not be actual or may have additional complications In any case - I think C#, being derivation from Java is more modern and object oriented (from the inception) than VB.net. In my opinion VB.net is another attempt to move old time VB programmers into .Net realm. So, again as I think Microsoft just doesn't have another way, but place both languages into competition with each other and see who will be a winner. Let's keeps our fingers crossed. Andrew Karasev andrewk@albaspectrum.com
About The Author
Andrew Karasev is founder and president of Alba Spectrum Technologies (www.albasepctrum.com) - Microsoft Business Solutions C# and VB.net programming & consulting company, based in Naperville, IL and serving USA nationwide and internationally via remote support akarasev@albaspectrum.com
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