[description], Story, any other text you want to use.
Six Ways To Create a Keyword-Rich Domain Name
by: Syd Johnson
An effective domain name can help to brand your site. It can also communicate to your customers the types of products you sell online. An easy to remember domain that describes your services should be the goal of every site owner. Here are some techniques that you can use to create the best domain name for your company.
Describe your products or services
One way to come up with an effective domain name is to describe your product or services. Write down every word or phrase that comes to mind when you think of your product or service. The easiest way is to keep writing for two to five minutes without stopping. It's a creative writing technique that can yield a huge cache of keywords that you can plug into any registration application until you find a domain name that fits. This technique is effective, quick and free.
English has a large vocabulary list
The English language has one of the largest vocabulary lists in the world. If you can't find a way to describe a product or service, take a break, come back in a few minutes and try again. Try to see how many different ways you can say the same thing. You already have access to the vocabulary list and ideally you will know your product or service better than anyone else. Pretend that you're describing it to a friend and in a few minutes you will have a long list of words that you can use as your domain name.
Most short words are taken
Yes, many of the shorter words such as "men", "women" and "book" are taken. In today's marketplace, you can't rely on such generic terms to bring in traffic. An effective, memorable domain name must go beyond being a novelty to being an asset that helps customers remember your site and your product. Try putting two or three words together. This will make it easier for them to come back to your site and make a purchase.
Brainstorm your way to a great domain name
Brainstorming is the only way to get a good domain name. Whether you write, use a name generation software, a dictionary or try random words, it's your creative approach that will give you quality results in less time.
Here are 4 easy domain name generation ideas:
- Write about the product(s) that you plan to sell
- Write about the topic or theme of your site
- Write about the type of customers you want to visit your site
- Start with one word descriptions and then add secondary words until your get an effective word or phrase that you register as your domain name.
Check out your competitor's websites.
Are they using words that fall into a specific category like product names, rhyming words, or names of cities? These can all give you clues about what types of words and descriptions that make the best domain names for your type of service. It can also give you some clues into what works best with customers and search engines. In this case, you don't have to reinvent the wheel, you just tweak it a bit to get better results.
You'll also have words for your Search Engine Marketing Campaign
The cool thing about this technique is that it will also help you to generate a list of words that you can use later on as part of your search engine optimization campaign. Whether you plan to do this on your own or through a Pay-Per-Click service, you will be ahead of the game with a long list of keywords to choose from.
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