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Web Hosts: Helping Us Navigate Through This Future Techno-World
by: Jesse S. Somer
Computers, Internet, Web sites…what do they all mean? Hey, you're probably not a technophobe, I mean you own a microwave right? Just push a few buttons and the food cooks itself-easy. Now, they tell you the best way to share information, have a business, and generally communicate in life, are on the Web. I don't know about you but for me the Web conjures up visions of a giant spider whose sole intention is to turn me into a tasty appetizer. Computers scare me. People say they're the tool of the future, but I find them to be quite alien, especially compared to my lawnmower! All the technical jargon associated with these machines, it's like you have to have a university degree in Information Technology just to turn one on.
The key to solving the riddle is just to go back in time. Not easy?! Think about our ancestors, the prehistoric cave-dwelling hairy folk. How did they get the job done each day? Tools… Tools. A man had his stone axe to kill the wild beast; a woman had a basket to collect fruits and vegetables. Sounds a little sexist, but fortunately times have changed in a number of ways. In our modern society the main tool has become the computer and anyone can use it. In the old days a boy's father would teach them how to throw the axe. These days Web Hosts exist to help people get acquainted with the Internet in much the same loving parental role. These companies provide knowledge and access to all the fundamental ways of taking part in using the space age super-tool. I've heard that having knowledge about something is half the battle of getting a job done. Having a Web Host is like meeting your mentor, the wizard who shows you the simple way to navigate through this new techno-world.
If you are a small business, a major company, or just an individual looking to spread a message to the rest of the world, the Internet or World Wide Web is your necessary gate of entry. Communication through Web Sites and Email systems is your means to partaking in the 'new' world. Whether you are searching for information, selling a product or idea, talking to friends, or just browsing through the 'shop' of life, Web Hosts are here to help you make the journey as enjoyable as possible. No more scratching your head in befuddlement, now there's a star lighting the way through our fearful darkness.
About The Author
Jesse S. Somer
Jesse S. Somer is a human analyst of the postmodern technical world. He hopes to bridge the gap of understanding between experts and novices involved within the computer industry.
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