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Can You Really Make It Online ?

 by: Nicholas Dixon

A good day or (night!!) to all you lovely people out there in cyberspace.Today I am going to talk about finding success on the net. For some three years now I have been designing and marketing websites , newsletters and articles.I started out in it as an hobby , but soon realised that I could make a career out of it.It has been a roller-coaster ride so far with it's fair share of ups and downs.Back then when I first started out , I was light-headed and eager to hop onto any program that offered "to make you rich in six weeks with no work".I soon learn't the hard way that all that was just a myth.I was even scammed twice on the net , falling to some "get rich" scheme which was full of nothing but hype.

Soon after I realise what the internet was about with all those scams and schemes , I started to look for the " other side of the net" : the good side.The part of it where you have to work hard to achieve what you want , the part of it where you have to go months or years without success before you finally find it.The internet is not much different from the offline world , only that it is cheaper to go into business and you are open 24/7.

But one has to work just as hard to get where you want to go.I have been in the game for some time now , and I have received my fair share of success.It wasn't easy to reach where I am right now, I had to deal with rejection , setbacks , lack of capital and a lot of other obstacles most of which were unforeseen.But without those obstacles in my way I wouldn't be were I am right now.

For those who are just starting , you have to be willing to make mistakes and suffer setbacks and rejections if you are going to stand a chance of success.Being persistence will get you a long way.Until next time.

To your success and mine ,


©2003 Nicholas Dixon

About The Author

Nicholas Dixon is the Webmaster/CIO for the Oceanroc family of websites.A positive minded individual in his early twenties , Nicholas believes in striving to be the best of one's self in this world.His mission for you his readers , is for you to feel the same way about yourself.You can visit his online store at

Special Requirements For Reprint: Article may be freely reprinted in your ezine, in your e-book and/or on your web site with the authors resource box included and without any changes.

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Rarely is cable and wireless information completely neutral; usually there's a point of view, maybe even a hidden agenda. Because it's so easy to publish on the Internet, opinions on cable and wireless abound. Always consider the source of the information. A website fully devoted to wireless laptop modem is more likely to be reliable than one that covers lots of disparate fields. We do recommend at the end of the day that you check out the information for yourself. You are often the very best of judges.

Why is this important? The Internet abounds with all sorts of information on cable and wireless, but unless you can be reasonably sure of its source and accuracy, be wary. For example, information about cable and wireless posted in Internet newsgroups can be flawed. Even if the cable and wireless document contains great technical detail, there is often no hard evidence to back up the claims. Don't make the mistake of accepting gossip as truth, which may prove to be professionally and financially embarrassing.

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