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Counter Strike, The Beginner of Broad Band PC Gaming

 by: Fahad Ahmed Bashir

This is the world of 21st century, the century of technologies. Every thing is fast now a days and as far as the Computers and games are concerned, they are at the top of all. Every one these days like playing games and some of them love it. Well few years ago PC gaming was not so advance and usually was single user based and if any one wanted to play with any other player then one must have an extra input or any compatible playing device .

An era of new technology began after the entrance of Network gaming or Multiplayer gaming which revolutionized the PC gaming world.

The term of multiplayer gaming was that from now on if a person wants to play a certain game with any other person the he can easily connect to the other person's computer using broad band internet connection .

Usually before the arrival of Broad Band, games were played thorough Modem. This was perfect in those days as the games were not too heavy and only few packets of data are sent and received. However over the years this scene has changed greatly.


Now a days multiplayer games send and receive more data and therefore need faster protocol for sending and receiving data items. Amongst those ofcourse is COUNTER STRIKE.

Few years ago when there was no concept of Broad Band, one would really be able to ger anything faster than the ISDN connection. But today as compared to the past we have much greater availability and much greater broad band technology like DSL and Cable Modem as compare to normal dialup modem. So PC gaming has become very much advance and high quality games can be played at a very high speeds. Counter Strike is the most popular multiplayer game using Broad Band Connection. THE GAME :

Without any doubt it is the most popular game played over the years and is the modification of half life developed by Valve. It is FPS (First Person Shooter) type game and is totally action packed. The game is divided into two teams The Terrorist Forces and The Counter Terrorist Forces. The game is played on some Maps which have different locations and objectives. According to these Maps the Counter Terrorists and the Terrorist Forces assassinate/ Escapes, Hostages/ Rescues and diffuse bomb etc..


Weapons armors and other equipment are very important parts of the game. There is a wide variety of different equipments like night vision, hand grenades and other pistols and guns. The player have to buy those stuff. In order to buy ammos and other equipments, player must be in a shopping cart area and more importantly have funds in his account.

There are a lot of small and big, simple and advance equipment available in Counter Strike pistols and sub machine guns are the main features of the game.Each Weapon is different from other. Thus all the Weapons and equipment gives a realistic touch to the game. Money management is one of the most important part of the game. Therefore by buying a particular equipment or weapon and using at the time when it is needed will take the player at the top of the game without any involvement of difficulty.


As there are two teams i-e Counter Terrorists and Terrorists. The player has option of either joining either of the team. A server is created by any player usually by the host and every player must join that server in order to play the game.

The Counter Terrorist look to eliminate the Terrorists completely or fulfill the map objectives while the Terrorist forces look to completely destroy the Counter Terrorists. Thus different Map have different challenges and strategies for each team.

When a player dies, he is unable to continue playing until the whole round ends uptil the ending of the round the player enters a spectator mode which they are free to roam around throughout the map and check out all the remaining actions. CONCLUSION:

It can be concluded in a way that Counter Strike will always have this privilege that it is the starter of the prefect broad band PC gaming which will lead to revolutionize the PC gaming world.

About The Author

I am Fahad Ahmed student of software Enginnering and writing this article as an assignment of my subject Business Communication Skills.

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