[description], Story, any other text you want to use.
My Yahoo Search - Beyond Bookmarks
by: Jakob Jelling
Yahoo has long offered email, an online calendar, notes, bookmarks, and more through their free My Yahoo service. Now Yahoo has expanded this service even more by adding My Yahoo Personal Search to the mix.
Personal Search is another way of storing bookmarks, but with more features than the older bookmarks offered. To use Personal Search, you add a My Yahoo Search button to your browser links bar (supports IE, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, and Safari). When you find a page you like, you click on the button to add the page to the "My Web" section of Personal Search. You can perform a search and optionally save or block any results pages. Of course, you can also enter a URL directly, then click the Search button to add that page into My Web as well.
Your My Web contents are accessible from any computer with Internet access, so it functions as an online bookmark storage service. Typically, bookmarks are stored only within the browser on the computer you normally use, so online availability is a convenient feature if you travel.
The results stored in My Web are both shareable and searchable. To share, you select the pages you want to share, and click the Share button. Easy enough. You can share directly from search results as well, without adding the page to My Web.
Once you have some pages stored in My Web, you can then easily search within those pages to find what you're looking for. This isn't a simple search of a description field like those offered by some browsers. This is an actual live search of just the pages you've stored in My Web. Pages stored in My Web can be sorted by date, search terms, or URL.
All in all, My Yahoo Personal Search is a very useful addition to the Yahoo collection.
By Jakob Jelling
About The Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.sitetube.com. Visit his website for the latest on planning, building, promoting and maintaining websites.
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