[description], Story, any other text you want to use.
E-mail SPAM: What's The Big Deal?
by: Dean Phillips
It absolutely amazes me how many people over-react to receiving e-mail SPAM.
What is this obsession...this preoccupation with SPAM?
Where are our priorities?
When it comes to SPAM, many of us are ready to support the severest anti-SPAM legislation. Yes, we want to lock up all the spammers and throw away the key! Haven't we learned by now that inviting the government to get involved with anything is a recipe for disaster?
I personally receive a couple hundred e-mails every single day. Approximately half of that is SPAM. Want to know how I deal with the problem? I hit the "delete" button and just like that, no more SPAM!
And since I have high-speed cable access, it literally only takes me a few minutes to make a hundred uninvited SPAM guests disappear. No problem!
I don't let SPAM annoy me or upset me. And I certainly don't let it ruin my day.
When you let SPAM annoy or upset you, all you're doing is letting the spammers win. However, when you use the delete button, you win! You've got the power to delete. Why not use it?
What's so hard about doing that? It's certainly a lot easier on your emotional well-being than getting upset over the situation.
Simply view SPAM as one of those minor annoyances of every day life--like reality television shows, and learn to treat it as such!
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