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I Too Was An Internet Marketing Junkie!
by: Russ Wilson
I too was an Internet marketing junkie!
I spent every waking hour at my computer, looking for the 'Golden Fleece' of marketing. I spent hours, and days, and more hours in hopes of finding the one Marketing plan that would allow me to achieve my dreams, and goals.
I spent thousands of dollars that could have been more wisely spent paying my bills, and necessities of life; on one marketing program, or E-book after another. Joining one affiliate program after another until like so many others, I no longer knew which program I was attempting to promote: and giving none the attention that was necessary to really make it a success.
Then a fortunate (?) thing happened: my computer DIED! It didn't just crash, It laid down and died. As in un-repairable completely dead!
There I sat, day after day in front of a blank screen with literally thousands of dollars worth of programs locked up inside of a dead computer going thru withdrawal. I had spent three years chasing the 'GOLDEN FLEECE', and had nothing but a dead computer to show for it.
My wife (Bless her) seeing my misery, decided to give me a new computer for Christmas. I was overjoyed; my addiction reared its ugly head to be heard again. But good fortune had smiled on me while I sat without a computer.
I had had a reprieve from my addiction. I knew what had been my downfall before, and vowed not to make the same mistakes again. I had finally learned; that the shotgun approach to business, while accelerating (the hunt for the 'GOLDEN FLEECE' was exciting,) it by no means was the avenue to success.
I spent 2 more months deciding what it was I wanted in a business. I decided I wanted a business that had a HUGE MARKET, a CAPTIVE MARKET…
And I would only promote one major product with 2 minor products that tied into it.
I had learned that in order to achieve the financial success that had always been just (in the next program) out of reach; I needed to finally settle in, and promote the one best program I had,
Just one, and give it my full attention…
The 2 minor products not only support the major product, I couldn't do without them; they were opt-in list builders. The Major product I finally decided on is one that every person that surfs the web must have. Not wants, but must have!
I've overcome my addiction; I'm a happy man. I've found my Niche!
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