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Dreams Come True With The Help Of Global Consciousness On The Internet

 by: Jesse S. Somer

Dreams. There are two types of dreams: 1. When you are sleeping there are stories unfolding in your mind from a parallel dimension. 2. The aims one has in life. The latter is the type of dream I wish to discuss. We all have these dreams, don't we? We picture ourselves in the future having realized our talents, having achieved in the areas that interest us most. Your dream may have been a relatively simple one, like reaching enlightenment, or helping to create world peace! Maybe your dream was just to set foot on as many beaches across the planet as possible, a little selfish-but hey, you're still sharing a smile everywhere you go. In this the Information Age, our dreams have become more realistic and practical to attain. With the Internet and web sites in particular, a global consciousness is forming to help all people towards their goals.

Lets say you're a young lady who lives in a small town in who-knows-where-land. Your dream is to one day live in a forest as a ranger, taking care of the trees and animals, living at one with nature. The Internet seems far removed from this reality but in truth it can be a main section of the road to your destination. By looking at web sites you can find out what other people with similar interests think about the subject. You can find out where you'll need to go to study, what interest groups to join, and get opposing opinions on the pros and cons of a ranger's life. You can communicate with experts from the other side of the world just as if they were next door. Seven days a week, night or day, you can access information and ideas from a wide community, a community you now belong to. All it took to start towards realizing the dream was simply by adding your identity to the new world culture created by millions of other normal minds. These are people who want to further humanity through the process of communication.

Now, let's say you're an old grandma living far away from the rest of the family. Seeing your grandchildren is a rarity as money to travel is not abundant. Through the websites and email on the World Wide Web, your family can 'talk' and send recent photos electronically. Distance becomes irrelevant and love connections remain intact, maybe even becoming stronger than before.

The Internet is bringing human society more closely together everyday. National boundaries turn out to be unnecessary, as knowledge and wisdom become the imperative of the people. As individuals become known identities in this world community, dreams are worked towards with newfound relish. Friends are instantly made, and loved ones are also kept involved in the present picture of life. A Global consciousness is forming and your input is only going to further the evolution of society and happiness for all people.

About The Author

Jesse S. Somer

Jesse S. Somer is a human working to bridge the gap between technological experts and the average people of our society.


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