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Money Doubler Madness

 by: Elaine Currie, BA (Hons).

After being around in the background for a while, money doublers suddenly became a huge craze on the internet. Forum message boards sported hysterical testimonials like "I Cycled!" and "I Got Paid!"

I wonder if they call it a craze because it only crazy people fall for it. Well, I'm certainly not crazy, on the dull side of sensible I'd say if I was pressed on the subject. I am not given to trusting people and you won't find me accepting a free lunch.

So why did I get involved? I put it down to an unattractive little green mean streak of greed. Once that little green fellah gave me a nudge, there was no stopping me; I went from weakness to weakness.

I thought that it would be safe to join one of the established programmes, so I joined the Easy Chair Club's My Magic Doubler. I invested $100. Their server crashed and they closed to new members with bewildering suddenness. I wondered if I was their last ever member to sign up.

My natural mistrust of human beings became even deeper and I resolved not to make a similar mistake in future; I would not be tempted to join another money doubler.

Some days later, I received $120 back from Easy Chair Club. I had not doubled my money, but I was in profit. I began to like the human race a little better and to think maybe money doublers were not such a bad idea.

Double Bot caught my attention. People were getting paid out and, best of all, they had what they called a "spam" section on their forum where members could discuss money making opportunities (ie other doublers). I invested $50. After my success (I did not see it as a lucky escape) with My Magic Doubler, I was feeling confident.

At this time Matrix Twisted was about to launch. This was my chance to get in at the very start of a doubler and make some big money, so I funded my account with $50. The difference in time zone meant that I would have to buy shares in the middle of the night. Regrettably, I slept through the excitement of the launch. I also missed the trauma of the instant crash and the first howls of "Scam!" I began to feel less confident and more like a Jinx.

Cycle It Fast had already been re-launched and people were getting their money doubled within hours. Strangely, once I had taken the plunge and invested, things changed and I reckon it would have been better named Cycle It Extremely Slowly. Instead of cycling times being expressed in hours, they rose to days and then weeks. Cycle times are no longer mentioned. I think the wheels fell off the day I joined.

I decided Cycle It Fast would have to be a long term investment. I still had Double Bot for quick profit. I was surprised to note, when I visited the forum, one day that the popular "spam" section had been removed and posts along the lines of "10 days and I haven't cycled" and "Where is my money?" were appearing. I started to feel a little uneasy. I was disappointed but not surprised when the Bot hit the rocks. How strange, it had been doing so well before I joined. I asked for a refund but I think admin were too busy baling out.

Anxious to recover my losses, I invested $50 with Profit Sharing Hits. Money doubling with advertising hits on top. What could go wrong? I was stunned when the members' forum disappeared overnight and Admin announced that a re-launch was necessary. I again got that eerie feeling of being the last one in before the doors closed.

After several emails from me, a reply arrived from Double Bot. As admin had not got round to refunding my money before they re-launched, they were offering me a choice of paying them a 35% fee to process the refund or reinvesting in the Bot even though doubling had stopped.

That is the absolute end! Pass me that albatross and call me Jonah. It seems that any doubler that takes me on board will immediately sink. I might as well go and throw my money straight into the sea, at least I'll get some fresh air at the same time. I have learned my lesson. I'll concentrate on my Plug In Profit Site and will not waste any more time or money on these stupid doublers.

Wait up! I just got mail and there's a money tripler about to launch. Now that's different…

About The Author

This is one of a series of articles published by the author, Elaine Currie, BA(Hons) at

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